2007年10月30日 星期二


最近, 好多朋友都開始寫部落格...
他們希望我也加入, 將生活中的經歷和心情, 放上網.
這樣, 就算以後各自忙各自的, 也可以了解到彼此過得怎樣.

考慮了好久, 終於決定要寫了...

嗯.... 好了!! 就這樣.

3 則留言:

astrid 提到...

em at the blog is for uu to express ourself
than no matter where we are or maybe one day we stop contacting each other i can still know how things and how's ur life
plz keep on blogging bunny

Adri@n (Addie) 提到...

you pasted my url wrong,it has only one http://

Marcus Chan 提到...

hey dude
finally u created ur own blog